TranZend Consulting’s services cover the entire spectrum of employees in the organisation – from the CEO to frontline managers. From coaching to raising standards, to engaged learning, to enhanced collaboration and teamwork… TranZend Consulting enables you to raise the bar across the organisation.
Culture Building & Behavioural Transformation
“Culture eats strategy for breakfast.”
Peter Drucker
Culture may be invisible, but its effects are felt. Culture defines the ‘How’ of what we do. Cuture is what makes people in an organization work together, manage conflicts, trust each other to do the right thing. A healthy culture allows us to create with each other not in spite of each other. A healthy culture tears down silos and walls, gives people a common purpose, drives innovation and great execution because everyone is invested in the results. Culture results in great products, services, innovations, and finally a healthy financial result.
At TranZend we believe Culture Building & Behavioural Transformation go hand in hand. Because a coherent culture is defined by behaviour and responses.
Connect with us for a FREE One Day Culture Consultation
Coach Leadership, Managers and Employees to build powerful perspective, emotional maturity and ‘can do’ attitude so as to improve teamwork, reduce conflict and enhance performance.
Provide Instructor led Training designed using Adult Learning Principles, so the learners demonstrate change in desired behaviour at the workplace.
Help source optimal and Cost effective Self Learning Tools to enhance the knowledge and application of skills.
Design learning tools which provide maximum effective learning to the participants.
Develop Content for learning tools which ensure optimal coverage to achieve the desired objectives of the learning program.
Powerful facilitation of Instructional workshops to deeply engage participants, maximize learning and drive behavioural change